Ladies Day Run
On Wednesday 16 November 14 cars 25 members plus 2 visitors left the Clubrooms on a beautiful spring morning. The weather was perfect! Quiz sheets were handed out with much discussion and comments such as “I have no idea!” and “This is too hard!” being overheard. However, some of the ladies were right into it and had answers before we even left. It was decided to head straight to Poltalloch Station for morning tea, where our guide, Kirsty, was waiting at the gate to show us where to park. We settled down for morning tea in front of the single men’s quarters, where President John and Vicki joined us. Kirsty came back for us at 11:00 a.m. as arranged and led us on a very informative tour of the grounds and homestead. The flies were very friendly, but a light breeze off the lake helped keep them away once we got away from the shearing shed. In its heyday (1800s), the station (on 35,000 acres) had 35 families living there, including 22 shearers and 40,000 sheep. The owners had their own store and goods and supplies were delivered by paddle steamer across Lake Alexandrina and bales of wool taken back in the same way. After our tour, we proceeded over the Narrung ferry to the rest area, where all available shade was taken up very quickly, as it was getting quite warm by this time. Lunch over, the answers to the Quiz were given, amid cries of “I got that right!” and such comments. Members left at their leisure, as a few had other commitments. Some made their way via Meningie, whilst others retraced the way we came. It was a very enjoyable, informative day, with good weather and good company. I hope that members enjoyed the outing and the history lesson!
Report: Brenda Cowie