Murray Bridge Show 2021
Even though Covid 19 is still with us all, the M.B. Show Committee were able to get permission to run this year’s event at the local showgrounds and we were asked to make an appearance and display some of our vehicles. Once again, the day fell on A.F.L. Grand Final day and other sporting functions, but we were able to have six members adding their names to the list to be part of the display. The gates opened at 8 a.m. and I arrived around 8.30 to erect the Club Flags at our appointed spot around the oval boundary fence and that is when the fun started with the area occupied by private cars. A quick word with the President followed and he was able to give permission to occupy the same area as other years. This however did not occur as other car Clubs, both local and Tailem Bent were parked inside the Oval and this was our spot for the rest of the day. However, the changes did not stop at this point as all the cars from the three or four Clubs were mixed up and were displayed around the Oval. This did not matter as it was good talking to members from the other Clubs and inspecting their vehicles. The Grand Parade was due to take place at 12 noon but in the course of the day this time was changed a number of times owing to the fact that Parachutists were due to “drop in” onto the Oval before the G.P. commenced. They (the jumpers) had their own share of problems even before leaving their departure point and eventually the decision was made that the Grand Parade would not happen. My thanks go to those members of the Murray Bridge Club who attended as we were able to fly the flag and put our name across and let them know we existed. All in all, I class the day as a success as I did not hear too many complaints from other Club members, and they all seemed to be happy as they gathered to make their way home. Thanks again to all those who took part and met new friends.
(Thank you for the report from Run Organiser, Jeff Martin)