Pistol Club Collectors Outing
Saturday the 1st June was the day chosen for the Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge (ACCMB) member Jamie Brine to organize a Club outing to the Murray Bridge Pistol Club.
5 vehicles along with 10 participating ACCMB members met at the ACCMB Clubrooms to receive instructions from run Coordinator Jamie Brine prior to their departure.
The Murray Bridge Pistol Club is a short drive from Murray Bridge to the clubhouse at 1 Toora Road, Toora, situated at the “Old Toora School”.
Following the official welcome, along with the strict outline of Safety proceedures for the day, each ACCMB member was allowed 5 practice shots at a target to start the day.
One of the ACCMB members after shooting her 5 shots and looking at her target, to her surprise found 4 bullet holes in the black area. Unfortunately her elation was short lived, as the young man in the next bay, had accidently shot her target instead of his.
All members had 35 shots each that went towards a trophy for the day.
Best ACCMB ladies shooter went to Suzannah Lambert with a score of 190.
Following the 35 shots each, members then were permitted to have a shot or two from other guns on display.
With all shots being called, coffee & biscuits were served and appreciated, before the official thank you’s were given, also thanking ACCMB and Pistol Club member for his help on the day, ending another interesting and different outing before, thanks to organizer Jamie Brine.
If you have read with interest the articles in the Murray Valley Standard of what the ACCMB members get up to throughout the year, and you have a Historic vehicle and would like to be part of the “action”, come to the next meeting and talk to Trevor Wehrman our Membership Officer, or give him a call on 0437815782.
Report by Graham Edwards & Ricky Kaak
Photos by Ricky Kaak