2021 Christmas Celebrations
By Graham Edwards
The Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge (ACCMB) annual Christmas party for 2021, was just another milestone in the club’s near 50 year history.
In 36 degree weather, 41 ACCMB members gathered at their clubrooms this year after short journeys from their individual homes, driving in some 14 classic vehicles, mostly without air conditioning, while the remainder of the vehicles were modern.
With the clubrooms all set up by a great band of volunteers the night before, and with the air conditioner “cranked” up, members began arriving, QR coding in and signing the run book before selecting their tables for the celebrations scheduled to commence at 11 am.
MC for the day’s proceedings, was ACCMB Past President (PP) Graham Edwards, who welcomed all, new and old to the gathering, inviting all to “break out” their BYO morning tea’s and settle in for a chat.
During morning tea PP Graham outlined the Occupational Health & Safety plan along with COVID rules etc for the day. PP Graham then introduced ACCMB Dave Verrall, renowned local singer and guitarist who rendered a bracket of songs for the enjoyment of those present.
Following Mr. Verrall’s toe tapping performance, it was time for lunch, with each allocated table of members, one by one wearing an array of colorful masks and all looking like bandits without a gun, filed past the tables of food, consisting of meat and salads that was being served to members by a group of gorgeous ACCMB waitresses.
During the afternoon MC Graham presented a few humorous jokes, Life Member Brenda Cowie presented two quiz competitions, raffle by club treasurer, Jan Hall and Helen Hosgood along with a final bracket of Christmas and, Country & Western songs by Dave Verrall.
Afternoon tea was then served to each table on separate plates, again by two of those gorgeous waiters, Brenda and June.
At the completion of afternoon tea it was time to close proceedings, with MC Graham thanking all for braving the sudden day of heat by coming, organizer Brenda Cowie and her lady helpers, veteran entertainer Dave Verrall for coming out of retirement to entertain the ACCMB members for Christmas, before wishing all present a Very Happy and Blessed Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous Healthy 2022, and informing all present to make sure that they all have their respective QR COVID check in signs
on their chimney’s for Father Christmas to sign in with!!
If one of your New Year Resolutions is to investigate and join the ACCMB, who are not just a one brand vehicle car club with a membership for all ages, then visit the clubs website —autocollectorsmurraybridge.com for all club information. ACCMB first meeting for 2022 is February 1st at 8pm in the Johnstone Park Community Complex.
Photos by Graham Edwards & Elaine Bretag