Annual Presentation Dinner 2022
The Presentation Dinner for this year was held at the Parklane Vietnamese Restaurant, somewhat different to some of our previous events, but seemed to go down very well. Great food and plenty of it, so thanks must go to the staff, who were also very obliging when things did not go quite to plan. Thanks also to Brenda and Jan for organising things.
We were a little worried that our presentations may unduly interfere with other patrons, but the staff said not to worry, “you were here first”. In reality, it did not seem to be a problem, especially by the time we presented the majority of trophies, as most of the other diners had gone home.
Unfortunately Claude and Liz were unable to attend due to family commitments, so it fell to me to do the presentations, ably assisted as usual by Brenda, who of course does most of the work anyway. So after our three different entrees were consumed, we proceeded with the presentation of the “Keeper Trophies”. Trophies that are presented to members each year are perpetual trophies (we’ll come to them in a minute), so recipients of perpetual trophies presented at the previous year receive “Keeper Trophies” the following year so that they can have a permanent memento in their homes forever.
So, the “Keeper Trophies that were presented are as follows:-
Valvoline Trophy 2020/2021 – Jan Hall
Patron’s Run 2020/2021 – Jan Hall
President’s Trophy 2020/2021 – Brenda Cowie
Sausage Sizzle 2020/2021 – Maureen & Graham Edwards
Ladies day 2020/2021 – Liz & Claude Minge
Founders Trophy 2020/2021 – Graham Edwards & John Courtney
Mal Fountain Run 2020/2021 – Graham & Maureen Edwards
Then it was time for the main course to be served. That certainly kept everyone quiet and occupied for a while. It was quite a spread and a very contented group waited with baited breath for the 2021/2022 Perpetual Trophies to be presented, which were as follows:-
Valvoline Trophy – Most points scored for attending meetings & runs –
2021/2022 – Graham & Maureen Edwards
Patron’s Run – Winners of competition set by Patron-
2021/2022 – Neil Burbidge
President’s Trophy – Member chosen by President for continuing Club service
2021/2022 – Graham Edwards
Sausage Sizzle – Winner of quiz set by organiser of run
2021/2022 – Dennis Scarman & Susan Loveday
Ladies Day – Winner of quiz set by organiser of run
2021/2022 – Deb Schiller & Brian Rainey
Economy Run – Members on run to determine amount of fuel used by nominated car –
2021/2022 – N/A
Most Improved Vehicle – Progressive restoration viewed by judging panel during year for
nominated vehicles – 2021/2022- N/A
Founders Trophy – Most interesting run during year decided by Cecily Graetz
2021/2022 – 50th Anniversary Committee
Mal Fountain Run –
2021/2022 – N/A
The presentation of the President’s Trophy to a very worthy Graham Edwards produced a phenomenon that I had not witnessed before, a speechless Graham! He did, though, eventually recover.
Staff at the restaurant were then thanked and congratulated on a job well done and thus the official part of the evening concluded. It then took a while for the talking between members to gradually subside as we all eventually left for home. A very pleasant evening indeed.
John Courtney
Vice President
Photos Courtesy of Graham Edwards