Drive your old car day
01 September 2019
Once again we had accepted the invitation from the Gawler Veteran, Vintage and Classic Vehicle Club to attend their “Drive your old car day” at the Bethany Reserve. Prior to our departure, we gathered at the Murray Bridge Railway Station car park in brilliant sunshine, wondering what was in store for us, as rain had been forecast. We need not have worried, as conditions remained the same for the whole day, with only the occasional cloud to interrupt the sun. As this run is also used to determine the winner of the “Paul Kruger Economy Run Trophy”, participants were advised that the vehicle under test was Jan Hall’s Leyland P76 V8 and forms handed out to receive participant’s estimates. In case of a tie, the estimate of the number of buttons contained in a jar was also required. And for the first time to my memory, this was needed, as two participants did indeed estimate the same mileage. I cannot tell you who the winner was, however, you will have to wait for the Presentation Dinner to find out.
So, off we headed, through Palmer and Tungkillo to the Lovell’s Bakery at Mount Pleasant, where we were tempted by an impressive array of bakery products. Not surprisingly, many succumbed. Pat Jennings met us here, and we all eventually left for Bethany, where we all arrived without losing anyone. The countryside really looked impressive and provided a lovely drive, although closer inspection indicated that the dams held less water than one would expect for this time of year.
At Bethany Reserve the Gawler blokes directed us to our parking area and we were soon wandering through the usual display of a wide range of impressive vehicles of all ages. Perhaps down in numbers from last year, but still certainly enough to keep us all interested, and catching up with friends and acquaintances was a bonus. Then time for lunch and it was really quite warm in the sun and out of the wind, on the lawn in front of the big shelter shed, where lots of stories were shared.
After lunch, there was still time for another good look around, before saying our goodbyes and wandering off home. I am sure everyone would agree it was another very pleasant day.
Photos & report by John & Vicki Courtney