Defibrillator Presentation
DEFIBRILLATOR for Johnstone Park Complex
Tuesday 6th of December saw the official presentation of the new Defibrillator at the Johnstone Park Combined Clubrooms (JPCC).
Some time ago, a suggestion from a member of the Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge (ACCMB) that the club purchase a Defibrillator machine.
From that suggestion, the ACCMB applied to the Rural City Council of Murray Bridge for a grant through the “Community Events, Grants & Donation Program”, and were very fortunate in being successful in obtaining a grant for nearly $2,500, thus enabling the ACCMB to purchase a Defibrillator and cabinet from St John Ambulance SA.
This unit has been installed in the JPCC and is now available should it be needed by any person or group using the facilities.
Ongoing maintenance of the Defibrillator will be carried out by the JPCC management committee, with the support of St John SA.
Training in the use and functions of the unit was presented to all groups who use the complex, before and during the December meeting of the ACCMB by Mr. Henry Cowell, a First Aid Advisor for St John.
During Mr. Cowell’s demonstration of the workings of the Defibrillator, he gave some of the facts about this machine and its purpose, and are listed,
- Approx 33,000 Australians suffer Sudden Cardiac Arrest each year.
- A persons chance of survival decrease by 10%, EVERY MINUTE DEFIBRILLATION IS DELAYED. (small window of time to save life and minimize consequence of incident )
- Early intervention with a defibrillator can increase the chance of survival by up to 75%.
- Defibrillators are easy to use by any person, with no formal training required, defib provides clear step by step voice prompts, including instruction for delivering CPR.
- A defib will only advise to deliver a shock if the person is in cardiac arrest and you cannot accidentally shock or hurt someone.
In closing the demonstration, Mr. Cowell advised the members of the ACCMB that St John SA, is the leading provider of First Aid training and Equipment in Sth Australia, a nonprofit organization and who work closely with South Australian Sports Clubs, Schools and Businesses alike, to make sure that they are equipped, should there be an emergency.
To learn more about St John SA, go to the website —- us
ACCMB President John Courtney thanked Henry for his detailed presentation in the use of the Defibrillator to all the groups and wished him a safe return home.
Report: Graham Edwards
Photo: Rhonda Scarman

L- R: Henry Cowell of St John SA, Councillor Andrew Baltensperger, ACCMB President John Courtney and JPCC chairman Darren Fountain showing the new defibrillator