As you would be aware, the members of the Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge were recently given the opportunity to have their say on the types of vehicles that could access Conditional Registration through THIS club. The SA Government recently amended the Code of Practice – Conditional Registration Scheme to allow for the inclusion of “Individually Constructed Vehicles” and as we as a club had not previously specified what could be registered at all, the Management Committee decided that it was high time we did, so that existing and future members would know exactly where we stand. As a result, a ballot was held, and the results were as follows: –

  • Registration of Historic Vehicles         100% in favour
  • Registration of Left-Hand Drive Vehicles       92% in favour
  • Registration of Street Rod Vehicles    71% in favour
  • Registration of Individually Constructed Vehicles      64% in favour.

As a result of this ballot, the Management Committee agreed to update the section of our “Club and Rally Rules” on Conditional Registration to reflect these views, but also take the opportunity to correct some other minor errors that had occurred over time, such as the DPTI now being called the DIT. Therefore, that section will now read as follows.


There are two main DIT documents that persons who have vehicles on “Conditional Registration”, or intend to have, must be familiar with.

  • Code of Practice – Conditional Registration Scheme for Historic. Left-Hand Drive, Street Rod, and Individually Constructed Vehicles (Latest Version).
  • MR1457 Modifications to Passenger Cars, Utilities, Panel Vans and 4WD Passenger Vehicles (Latest Version)

Copies of these documents may be accessed from our Club Website.

Members with Historic Vehicles, Left-Hand Drive Vehicles, Street Rod Vehicles, and Individually Constructed Vehicles may access conditional registration through The Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge Inc. providing the vehicles are roadworthy, comply with the Code of Practice, MR1457 and any other relevant criteria.

In addition, the following rules apply to members availing themselves of “Conditional Registration” Through THIS club: –

The vehicle must be inspected by a Club Registrar before an MR334, or Logbook will be issued.

  • Any modifications must be legal. This may be determined by, but not limited to, MR1457.
  • Those applying for “Conditional Registration” must be aware that the Club Registrar is obliged to report to the DIT, any questionable modifications that do not have a “Certificate of Exemption” issued for them. This MAY require inspection at Regency Park.
  • The Club Registrars from time to time, may request the inspection of any vehicle.
  • A “Review Committee” has been formed within the club, to clarify any issue should a dispute arise from this process.

John Courtney

For Management Committee

The Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge Inc.