I thank members for electing me as your President for 24/25. Many thanks to Harry who did a good job after the great work of Claude.

I have no experience in the running of this club so please excuse the mistakes I will obviously make. I haven’t even got an old car on conditional registration, but I am working on it and building a shed.

My love of cars goes back to my preteen years when I was drawn to the beauty of the Jaguar XK120. When I got to driving age, I learnt to drive in a Mk7 Jaguar. My first car was a 1950 Morris Minor in black. Since then, I have purchased over 65 cars! (One of my three weaknesses in life.)

This club is made up of many people drawn together with a similar love of cars who work hard as volunteers to keep the club relevant to members. We must remember that we are volunteers and not paid employees and should take this into consideration when having different opinions on matters.

Your committee is working to organize events during the year, and we should all get behind these individuals who do the hard work to make things happen.

I look forward to an enjoyable year with many social functions and events.

Brian Rainey