I trust everyone had a good Christmas. Now that the children and grand children are back at school things should be returning to normal.
It was a pity we had to cancel our Christmas show due to the weather, but I am sure your committee will come up with a midyear replacement.
Thanks must go to Claude Minge, Graham Edwards and John Courtney who have been working for your club over the Christmas break. Thanks also to Yvonne Mach for reminding me to get off my backside and submit a report for your magazine. Doing the magazine is a big job and I don’t know what we would do without the Machs.
Several of our members travelled to Mannum for a picnic on Friday 17th of January and we had a good night. Weather was almost perfect, and we did not need the insect spray.
We are having another get together on Friday 7th February at the Swanport reserve. Bring $10 per head for the pizzas, chairs to sit on, your drinks and drive down in your old cars. They like to get out too. It would be nice to see some new faces at some of our events. You are missing some great times and if there is someone you don’t like, then just sit away from that person. We have some great members in our club, and I am sure you would enjoy their company. And you get to keep up with the gossip.
By the way I finally got to register a car (My SLK) on Club registration.
Thanks to Jeff Schiller for his help. I went down to the registration office and got a trainee. After the third attempt the job was done. Actually, the staff were really good, so two of us learnt something. Now I have to fill in a logbook! I still cannot get used to the fact that the SLK Does NOT have a reversing camera, park assist, lane keeping assist, adaptive cruise control, lane change assist, a USB socket for my music and videos and you cannot take your hands off the steering wheel when you want to take the wrapper off your cough lolly! But I am learning and do love to put the top down.
Next month I am taking my daughter and 4-year-old grandson on a short sea cruise. I wonder how that will go. I still wonder why they do not have hire cars at cruise terminals like they do at airports.
Brian Rainey