Well, another Club Year is coming to an end. I have enjoyed being President and having a committee to help me. I. Wish to thank the ladies of the Club for their help at our functions. All the functions run by the Club have been successful. Thanks to Event Coordinators running them.  Vice President Claude has had a rough year with back injuries but is now on the mend, and taking it quietly, we hope.  The Presentation night is on Saturday JUNE 22nd. Please put your name on the paperwork in the foyer if you wish to attend.  Tuesday “2” nd JULY is the “AGM”.  Please try to attend this meeting, as it is very important for The Voting of Nominations for the upcoming election for the Next Year.  2024 & 2025.  A big thank you goes to our Editor Yvonne Mach, for producing the AUTO TORQUE MAGAZINE.     

Your President, Harry Howitt.