Membership Renewal Forms

            The Treasurer generates the new Membership Renewal Forms in May of each year and you will receive them in due course (hard copy or via email).

PLEASE LOOK AT THEM VERY CAREFULLY AND CORRECT ANYTHING WRONG OR THAT YOU ARE NOT HAPPY WITH, and then return the form to the Treasurer by the AGM in July. Membership renewal fees are to be paid by the AGM in July.



A reminder. The Registrar Team need to restamp all club members logbooks yearly for their Historic, Historic-Drive or Street Rod Vehicles. All Logbooks will be collected at the May, June or July meetings only and returned via a self-addressed, stamped envelope.  Please note that the Registrars no longer handle money. Please provide a receipt for payment of your membership fees, or copy of your direct deposit for payment to avoid delays. Please note that there is no Log Book Fee from 13/7/2023.


The Registration Team.

Please note that there is no Log Book Fee from 13/7/2023.



 Download MR 1457 Form for modifications to light vehicles

Members please note Auto Collectors Club Constitution has been amended, click on link below to view or download a copy.

 Click here to view/download amended Club Constitution



The Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge Inc.


  • Participants must be at the Event/Run departure point at the time designated. If you have nominated to attend but are unable to, please let Event Marshall/Run Leader know as soon as possible.

  • Participants shall obey directions given by the Event Marshall/Run Leader.

  • Participants may overtake slower vehicles on the run if they wish providing it is safe to do so..

  • Participants to leave at least 100m between vehicles unless about to overtake.

  • Participants should assist “general public” vehicles to overtake where appropriate and exhibit courtesy to other road users at all times.

  • Render assistance to other participants experiencing difficulties as appropriate.

  • When leaving a stopping place such as a picnic ground, make sure that the area is left as it was found.

  • During summer months, ensure that there is no fire ban before lighting barbecues.

  • Alcohol is strictly limited to meal breaks only.

  • Make the Event as trouble free as possible by ensuring that your vehicle is mechanically sound before leaving home.

  • Members must not stand or gather on the right hand side of their vehicles on sides of roadways.

  • All members must drive their vehicles in a manner which reflects positively on the Club.

  • If indicators are not fitted to the vehicle, appropriate hand signals must be used at all times

  • Carry current, suitably endorsed, Log Book and Certificate(s) of Exemption as applicable.

  • All vehicles must be in a roadworthy condition.

  • Passengers are to be limited to the seating capacity of the vehicle. Where fitted, seat belts must be worn.

  • Participants to notify Event Marshall/Run Leader should they need to depart the event/run before the intended completion time.


  • Ensure Event/Run starts on time.

  • Issue and collect itinerary sheets and competition forms as necessary.

  • Run Leader should attempt to travel at 80Kph on an open road or freeway.

  • Run leader must ensure all participants are aware of the next stopping point where participants will re-group.

  • Where possible, maintain check on the presence of all vehicles in the Event.

  • When designated, ensure that the ‘Tail End Charlie’ is fully equipped with mobile phone, tow rope, water, etc. as appropriate. ‘Tail End Charlie’ to also ensure no one is left behind

  • Act as Club representative in the event of an accident or unusual circumstances.

  • Event Organiser must seek Committee approval for any expenditure over $100 for incidentals associated with any one event.


Applicants for Provisional Membership should be present in person when their application is presented to the club at a General Meeting. Where this is difficult it may be left to the discretion of the membership officer.
On first joining the Club, for the first year of membership, newly accepted members shall be classed as “Provisional Members

Provisional Members shall have the same rights and responsibilities as Full Members.































There are two main DIT documents that persons who have vehicles on “Conditional Registration”, or intend to have, must be familiar with.

  • Code of Practice – Conditional Registration Scheme for Historic. Left-Hand Drive, Street Rod and Individually Constructed Vehicles (Latest Version).
  • MR1457 Modifications to Passenger Cars, Utilities, Panel Vans and 4WD Passenger Vehicles (Latest Version)

Copies of these documents may be accessed by clicking on the above links.

Members with Historic Vehicles, Left-Hand Drive Vehicles, Street Rod Vehicles and Individually Constructed Vehicles may access conditional registration through The Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge Inc. providing the vehicles are roadworthy, comply with the Code of Practice, MR1457 and any other relevant criteria.

In addition, the following rules apply to members availing themselves of “Conditional Registration” Through THIS club: –

Details of the vehicle must be supplied to the Club Registrar in whatever form that the Club Registrar deems appropriate in the circumstance, before an MR334 or Logbook will be issued. Please discuss this with the Club Registrar.

  • Any modifications must be legal. This may be determined by, but not limited to, MR1457.
  • Those applying for “Conditional Registration” must be aware that the Club Registrar is obliged to report to the DIT, any questionable modifications that do not have a “Certificate of Exemption” issued for them. This MAY require inspection at Regency Park.
  • The Club Registrars from time to time, may request the inspection of any vehicle.
  • A “Review Committee” has been formed within the club; to clarify any issue should a dispute arise from this process


Bereavement Notice: On the passing of all club Life Members, the Secretary and the Publicity officer shall jointly arrange the placement of a bereavement notice in the Murray Valley Standard, Club Website and Auto Torque Newsletter. They shall also keep a copy of the MVS notice for club records.