ACCMB Presentation Dinner 22/6/2024

Saturday evening of the 22nd June, saw 40 Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge (ACCMB) members congregate at the 1924 Riverfront Steakhouse Restaurant overlooking the Twin Bridges, silhouetted

by the setting of the sun in the background, with the “Mighty Murray” silently flowing past, full of very cool water on an equally cool evening.

As members arrived two by two or more, it didn’t take long for the two tables of 20 already set for the occasion, to fill up with members looking for a nice warm room, and they were not disappointed.

With most seated, members began talking about the events of the past week, “chewing the fat” as to what’s happening in the world around us, the political news and the lighting up of the near 100 year old rail bridge, including as to how good that would look, sitting in the Restaurant looking upstream towards the bridges, and being hopeful that the authorities responsible, along with the Rural City of Murray Bridge Council members, will take this onboard, putting the city well and truly onto the tourist map!

With the problems of the world unsolved, it was time for some refreshments , whilst waiting for the great staff at the 1924 Restaurant to come around and take the meal orders, which in due course were served to all members.

Having had “their fill” with the meal complete, President Harry Howitt and past Secretary and Life member, Brenda Cowie called the gathering to order for the presentation of the yearly trophies.

First there was the presentation of the “Keeper Trophies”. These are as the name suggest, trophies for recipient’s to keep from the previous perpetual win in year 2022/2023. The following presentations listed, include the trophy name, definition and the recipient,  andare as follows –

VALVOLINE Trophy  –   (for the most points scored for attending meetings and runs) — Jan Hall.

PATRON’S RUN    —       (winner of a competition set by Patron Bob Hunter) – Jan Hall.

PRESIDENT’S Trophy – (member chosen by the president for continuing club service) — Jan Hall.

SAUSAGE SIZZLE Trophy – (winner of a quiz set by organizer of the event) – Dennis Scarman.

LADIES DAY Trophy – (winner of quiz set by organizer of the event) – Elizabeth & Claude Minge.

FOUNDERS Trophy –  (most interesting run/event during the year decided by a panel) – Terry & June Mabbitt.

With the “Keepers Trophies” presented, it was now onto the “Perpetual Trophies” of 2023/2024, with the criteria for winners, being the same as for the above, but now including the definition of the Economy Run Trophy not listed above, but below (members on run to determine the amount of fuel used by a nominated car)

VALVOLINE Trophy – Harry Howitt.

PRESIDENT’S Trophy – Jan Hall.

LADIES DAY Trophy – Deb & Jeff Schiller.

ECONOMY RUN Trophy – Ricky Kaak.

FOUNDERS Trophy – Elizabeth & Claude Minge

On completion of all presentations for the evening, ACCMB Treasurer and multiple trophy winner of the night, Jan Hall, thanked and gave praise to Brenda Cowie for her time and commitment that

Brenda has given over the years in organizing and ordering of the yearly trophies at the Annual Presentation night, encouraging younger members to get involved. ACCMB members duly applauded in the usual manner.

With all the evenings duties finalized, President Harry thanked all for their attendance, and reminded all of the AGM at next meeting, Tuesday the 2nd July – 7-30 pm at the ACCMB Clubrooms. See you there.