Drive It Day
Spring is here at last. Time for a drive in your old car in some fine weather. That has been the premise of the Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs (SA) now for some years and it has been put into practice, also for some years, by the Gawler Veteran, Vintage and Classic Vehicle Club in their “Drive it Day” gathering at Bethany. Our club attended last year and were mightily impressed with both the venue and the amazing variety and quality of vehicles that the event attracted, so decided to accept their kind offer to attend again.
Our group gathered at the Murray Bridge Railway Station car park on Saturday September 1st in lovely sunshine prior to our departure. This sunshine gradually disappeared as we climbed the Palmer hill on our way to our first stop of the run at the Lovell’s bakery at Mount Pleasant. The weather had deteriorated a bit more by then, but we were able to partake of their wares without getting wet. We were joined there by a few more members, including “locals” Pete & Meg Stephens, conspicuously waiting in their bus. Continuing on through Springton and Eden Valley we encountered a few more showers but it was still a great drive, especially the “short cut” through the hills past the Kaiserstuhl Conservation Park on our way to the Menglers Hill Lookout, where we paused to take in the view. The rain stopped, allowing us to enjoy the great panorama across the Barossa Valley.
From there it was only a short drive down to the Bethany Reserve where we were guided by Alvin Jenkin and the Gawler mob into our allocated spot, “down by the river so you will feel at home”, it was explained. The usual very interesting and very varied array of vehicles awaited our inspection in this lovely setting, which we all proceeded to do before lunch. Everything from the sporty to the regal, very old to not so old. There was definitely something to satisfy all tastes. Then there were the people, some good friends, some acquaintances, some we had never met, all out for a good yarn in what was by now again warm sunshine.
A leisurely lunch followed, then another inspection in case we missed something or someone. By now some were leaving, so by mid-afternoon most of our group followed suit and departed by various routes of their choosing. A very pleasant day out.
This run was also used to determine the winner of the “Paul Kruger Economy Run” trophy. This was organised by Neil & May Schubert. Participants were required to estimate the fuel consumption of their XP Falcon for the run. We were not to know, however, that May had deliberately driven with the choke out, to help confuse us! Still the Falcon achieved 27.57 Miles per Gallon, but I cannot divulge who guessed correctly, or nearest to it. You will have to wait for the AGM to find out.
Report by John & Vicki Courtney
Thank you to John Courtney for photos

L to R: Trevor and Deidre Kitto with Yvonne and Peter Mach relaxing beside the river at Bethany

L to R: Vicki Courtney, Elaine and Roy Bretag with Trevor Kitto