Mal Fountain Collectors Run
Each year since approximately 2011, the Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge has held the “Mal Fountain Memorial” trophy run for predominately for the older vehicles in the Club.
This run is in memory of esteemed past ACCMB Life Member, Malcolm Fountain. Mal joined the ACCMB with late wife Judy in 1984, and held many club committee positions including that of President for a total of 6 years, along with being a passionate and committed member of the ACCMB for a total of 26 years before his passing away in 2010.
Again this year 10 vehicles, their drivers and passengers met at the clubrooms, and after receiving their run instructions and “quiz” sheets for the passengers to fill out along the way from run coordinator Darren Fountain, (Malcolm’s son) and (albeit in the rain ) it was time for the convoy to travel to their destination, being Mypolonga’s popular “Woodlane Reserve” affronting the “Mighty Murray” river for the a long awaited BYO morning tea.
On arrival at the reserve, the weather “god’s” smiled upon the group with brilliant sunshine which made their visit that much enjoyable and not forgetting of course the meeting up of ACCMB members , Ted & Ruth Julian from Tailem Bend in their recently acquired motor home. It was good to see that “Teddles” didn’t get stuck in the sand on this run.
On the way Andrew Fountain’s (another son of the late Mal) 1929 Chevrolet truck developed a strange noise under the bonnet at Mypolonga, and after lifting the bonnet to see if there were any “cats caught up in the drive belts”, and thankfully not, and so with a few adjustments made , it was on the road again without further incident.
With morning tea all devoured, members made their way to the Mypolonga Oval and also to the Murray Bridge Wetlands adjacent to Thomas Foods in search for answers to the quiz, and yes you would know it, the weather gods turned off their smile and again it started to drizzle with rain all the way back to the ACCMB clubhouse, where run coordinator Darren Fountain and family cooked a delicious BBQ lunch , which was enjoyed by all.
Following lunch, a few quick “rolls of the dice” the answers for the Observation Quiz were read out.
The trophy will be presented to the winner at the Clubs annual Presentation dinner on June 22nd.
Another small, but successful run, thanks to the Fountain Family.
Report by Graham Edwards & Ricky Kaak.
Photos by Ricky Kaak.