PUB RUN 16/7/2023
Pub Lunch, Meningie Hotel, Sunday 16th July
The idea of a pub run in the middle of winter is of course to have a run where weather does not really matter. I failed last year, as some of us were banished to the veranda of the chosen venue, where the manager assured us we would be snuggly warm. We were not! I was determined that this would not occur this year, but it is not easy to find a hotel that can cater for a significant number of participants. Meningie Hotel was chosen and we nicely filled up their dining room with 62 of our members.
The day started from our Johnstone Park clubrooms, where although it was cold, the sun made things pleasant enough as we awaited the departure time. Although a couple of cars met us at Meningie, we finished up with a total of 28 vehicles including 8 modern. Good to see Malina Bretag in the Futura on what I believe was its first club run. The trip to Meningie was very pleasant and interesting, we don’t seem to get down that way very often.
Arrival at the pub started out a bit chaotic. The long line of thirsty and hungry people waiting to pay were thwarted by technology, the computer controlled till would not accept our money! That was eventually sorted out so that we could all get down to the serious business of talking and drinking. For such a small kitchen, the staff did a magnificent job serving our meals, which from my observation were very well received. After polishing off dessert and a show of thanks to the staff, everyone gradually wandered off home, although some opted for coffee at Freshies Café to really make a day of it.
Hope everyone had a good time and thanks for coming along.
John & Vicki Courtney