Pinnaroo Campout 2019
The weekend of Friday 26 th -27 th -28 th of April saw the getting together in Pinnaroo to celebrate the 40 th year of the “Conrod Trophy”, by the Bordertown Vehicle Restorers Club (BVRC), Murray Mallee Auto Club ( MMAC), Riverland Vintage & Classic Car Club (RVCCC), and the Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge (ACCMB).
The “Conrod Campout” started its life at Blanchetown between the RVCCC and the ACCMB. A few years later the BVRC indicated their willingness to join with RVCCC and ACCMB, thus the beginning of the three clubs gathering in the mallee town of Pinnaroo. Then in approximately 2009 the MMAC indicated their desire to join the other three clubs.
One of the weekend’s organizers, Steve Williams of Pinnaroo, proclaimed the weekend to be a great success, with members and their vehicles coming from BVRC – 26, MMAC – 12, RVCCC -15 and ACCMB – 28, a good number of members to compete for the annual trophy.
The weekend began with a few members, mainly from MMAC, RVCCC along with ACCMB meeting at Karoonda on Friday afternoon, camping at the caravan park and attending the Karoonda pub for tea.
Saturday morning saw the numbers bolstered by members of various clubs arriving for the weekend. After morning tea, it was off to Karoonda’s Pioneer Park to view many exhibits from “yesteryear”, including the old Wynarka Methodist Church, freshly painted and of interest to one ACCMB member, Graham Edwards who in 1942 as a baby was christened and went to Sunday school in this quaint little church.
On departure, thanks was given to Pioneer Park volunteers, Dick Cheriton (ACCMB member) and Denis Roberts for allowing the group to view the attraction.
Following midday lunch in the main street parking area, members made their way to the Morgan farm to view their large and impressive collection of vintage aircraft, tractors, model aircraft and anything that makes a noise and goes fast, including a ride on mower powered by a 454 V/8 motor capable of pulling a Falcon ute and Caravan bogged to the axles, owned by one of ACCMB members from the sand, “how embarrassing” for the member, called “Teddles”.
Following the play in the sand exhibition, Mr. Geoff Morgan was introduced by BVRC joint organizer of the weekend, who thanked Geoff for allowing the group to view his collection.
This was then followed up by a magnificent demonstration of model aircraft aerobatics at its best, by Mr. Morgan, junior. With stomachs well and truly full after a scrumptious afternoon tea supplied by Mrs. Morgan and family, it was off to Pinnaroo. On arrival at the Caravan Park and Motel, members had little time to set up, shower and get ready for the BYO evening meal and entertainment in the Cricket Club hall. Many members still in their day’s club dress, arrived, set up their tables and chairs, then settled in for refreshments and BBQ tea.
During the evening, Alan Hagger (ACCMB) gave a brief and interesting history of the past 40 years and the meaning of the “Conrod Trophy”. This was followed by the veiwing of a special 40 th year cake, made and decorated by Marlene Hagger, and cut by four foundation members. Following thequiz, many members said their good nights and headed for their respective accommodation to bunk down after a long day.
Next morning following breakfast, it was off to the Pinnaroo wetlands for “the Games” to see which club would take home the much coveted “Conrod Trophy”.
With the BVRC organizing the games, consisting of, pull the truck along without loosing the ball bearings off the exhaust, pull a model of a person along a rope, pass the balloon along via ones neck, walk with a coin between the knees were some of the games the clubs competed for. After the judges tallied the scores, the 2019 winners of the “Conrod Trophy were the RVCCC.
With all official duties performed, individual members said their thanks and good byes to the organizers for another great Pinnaroo Camp out, before wishing each other a safe return to their respective home towns.
Report and photos supplied by Graham Edwards