Drive Your Old Car Day
On the brisk first morning of spring, a small selection of our car club members and three vehicles, departed the Johnston Park Clubrooms for a drive past the Pallamana Airfield and Palmer to the town of Mount Pleasant. In the carpark beside the Town Hall, the group enjoyed morning tea and chatter in the warm sunshine. Then we continued our journey through the lovely green countryside, massive gums, farming and grape growing areas of Springton and Eden Valley, before winding our way to Menglers Hill and down into Bethany Reserve. We were directed to park our vehicles on the grassed area by the trees, joining the large contingent of like-minded car enthusiasts from the many other car clubs, who had also ventured out for the occasion and two other car club couples who had travelled direct to the venue.
There was a grand display of vehicles, of all makes and models, with an excellent representation covering the many years of motoring, varying from those in pristine condition to those in original condition, for us all to view. Our group meandered around the Reserve viewing and chatting to the participants at their own leisure, before settling down beside their vehicles for a picnic lunch. The weather was pleasant, the event well patronised, enabling us all to enjoy a great out. Thank you to the run organisers, Jan Hall, John & Vicki Courtney.