LADIES’ DAY 19/4/2023
23 members left the Clubrooms for the short drive to Tailem Bend. We picked up another 4 members who were waiting along the way.
At Regional Profile Cutters we were greeted by the ladies of the family who then explained what we were going to see. They suggested after the initial talk in the main shed that we split into smaller groups for the other viewings.
First was the cutting room where there was a large sheet of steel being machine cut to a specific pattern.
Some wandered over to the very important computer room where the designs are produced.
Then it was on to the store to see the finished products. There was so much to see and choose from in the store as well as outside where the bigger articles were standing.
There was a choice of items made from steel, aluminium, and galvanised iron and some were powder coated. I don’t think there were many of us who came away without buying something.
After being thanked by the family for our visit, we adjourned to the Riverside Hotel for lunch and a welcome drink.
After lunch the quiz answers were read out, but the winner will not be announced until Presentation Night.
Thanks to those members who came on this run, I hope you enjoyed it.
(Thank you for the above report from Run Organiser, Brenda Cowie.)