Presentation Dinner 2017
The Annual Presentation Dinner this year was held at the Murray Bridge Bowling Club on Saturday March 25th.
The gathering of 55 members comprised of some new and not so new members, including some who were founding members of the club when it was formed some 45 years ago. President John Courtney welcomed them all, then briefly explained the night’s proceedings, after which everyone resumed earnestly trying to solve the world’s problems, or perhaps just relaxing in the beautifully presented Bowling Clubrooms.
The main course was served, unfortunately not the ‘alternative drop’ as expected, but delicious none the less. Then the official part of the evening began. John Courtney, ably assisted by Brenda Cowie, commenced with the presentation of the Keeper Trophies to the winners from the 2015/2016 year.
Then it was on to the presentation of the Perpetual Trophy winners for 2016/2017.
Valvoline Trophy – Most points scored for attending meetings & runs.
2016/2017 — Brenda & Les Cowie
Patron’s Run Trophy – Winners of competition set by Patron.
2016/2017 – Brenda & Les Cowie
Presidents Trophy – Member chosen by President for continuing Club support.
2016/2017 – Roy & Elaine Bretag
Sausage Sizzle – Winner of quiz set by organizer of run.
2016/2017 — Paul Wade
Ladies Day – Winner of quiz set by organizer of run.
2016/2017 – Ricky Kaak
Economy Run – Members on run to determine amount of fuel used by nominated car.
2016/2017 – Basil & Lyn Zadow
Most Improved Vehicle __ Progressive restoration viewed by judging panel during year for nominated vehicles.
2016/2017 – Aileen & Jeff Martin – 1964 EH Holden Station Wagon
Mal Fountain Memorial Run
2016/2017 – Peter & Yvonne Mach
Vernon & Cecily Graetz , who were among the founding members of the club, then presented a new trophy to the club, to be known as the Founders Trophy. This magnificent trophy, highlighting some of club member Jeff Martin’s formidable woodworking skills, will be presented in future years for a purpose yet to be finalised.
There were a number of members who were absent, on holidays at various locations interstate and this included the Club Patron, Howard Wright, who sent a letter of congratulations from Bundaberg, Queensland, to all of the winners.
With desert served, President John congratulated the Bowling Club kitchen and bar personnel on a wonderful evening , thanked all Auto Collectors members for their attendance and closed the evenings proceedings.

The Sausage Sizzle Quiz trophy was won by Paul Wade (centre) pictured with President John Courtney (left) and his wife Val (right)

Brenda Cowie (left), and Les Cowie (right) were the winners of the Patron’s trophy, presented by President John Courtney (centre)