The first morning of Daylight Saving saw a small band of Club Members gathering at the Johnstone Park grounds at the beginning of what would be a perfectly beautiful day. 7 cars left the Clubrooms at just after 9:00 a.m. and one more caught up with the group along the way. We took a course along Maurice and Hindmarsh roads to the Jervois/Wellington Road and turned off at Flagstaff Road. The only time I use this road is when we do a Run to the Wellington Fete and it is such a pleasant drive through undulating country, lush with crops at the moment.
Local Wellington identity, Des Kluske (who turns 90 years of age this month – October), was waiting to admit us and the incoming Fete Organiser (Bob Radford), had an area reserved for our Club’s static display. Jeff Martin, ably assisted by Peter Mach and Harry Howitt (I hope I haven’t left anyone out!) erected the Club Flags, which set off our display nicely. I must thank Jeff for reminding me about the flags. I had forgotten about them so it’s obviously too long since I have organised a Club Run! We were joined by a couple more Club Members in modern cars later on.
Then we all settled down to do as we liked – having morning tea, perusing the fete stalls, chatting – all the while intermittently shifting our chairs to take advantage of the much appreciated shade from a large gum tree.
There were lots of stalls – bric-a-brac, handicrafts, fresh produce, a travel agent, food stalls, a BBQ and, of course, strawberries/icecream/cream. Tom and I couldn’t believe the size of the serve we received. I think I had a full punnet of strawberries in mine! And they were delicious.
During the morning, I met up with the outgoing Fete Organiser (Jude Male) and she said to watch out for her later on and give her a wave as she came down to earth in a tandem skydiving jump. I have known Jude a long time, so I had to see that! We became aware of some activity in a field at the rear of the Fete venue. There were a few men in fluoro jackets trying to re-locate some cows. And the cows were not happy! They obviously didn’t want to leave their field and ran away from the men, mooing loudly. I couldn’t help the vision coming in to my mind of a skydiver landing on a cow and going for an unexpected ride! It’s the stuff comics are made of. But eventually, the men re-directed the cows somewhere else and all settled down.
We had seen the little plane flying aloft and gathering height, before it began to lighten its load. One, two, three persons made single jumps, landing expertly. I wondered if Jude had had cold feet, but, no! The final dive was Jude, strapped to her companion, and they also made a text-book landing (at least, it looked like that to me). She received a rousing cheer and clap from the many onlookers. It certainly was something different for the Wellington Strawberry Fete.
The rest of the day was spent in a very pleasant, relaxing manner. Because we were a smaller group, we sat in one circle, which allowed interaction and conversation on a level not usually achieved when there are more present. We all packed up when the Fete came to an end, about 2:00 p.m., and made our individual ways home. It was obvious to me that everyone enjoyed their day and I thank them for attending and for their support in the fundraising for the maintenance of the Wellington Hall.
It is usually the case that our Club supports the Wellington Strawberry Fete in this way every second year, so, see you in two years’ time!
Lyn West.