Seven cars left the clubrooms at 9:00 a.m. and arrived on time at the oval. We were told where we had to park and after doing so, we quickly commandeered the shelter shed.

We were part of the “Calli Trail”, and we had 22 dozen bottles of water and two boxes of mandarins delivered to us to distribute to those who had joined the “Trail”.

This year was their 10th Anniversary, and the weather was perfect. There was more to see this year and the sideshows and novelty stalls were down on the oval where we were, so that brought a lot more people down there.

There were six parachutists to add to the spectacle and because of the wind, they landed so fast, but a couple managed to stay on their feet and came in running, but did a sit-down landing.

We started to leave around 3:00 p.m. and only had a few mandarins and 2 dozen bottles of water left.

I think the organises would have been very pleased with the end result this year.

Many thanks to Elaine Bretag for taking on the job of signing the papers and giving out the “Calli Trail” gifts.