Vintage Tractor Pull & Machinery Rally 17/3/2024
At Murray Bridge Showgrounds –
Sunday 17th March 2024
[by Di Dawson]
A group of 15 like-minded Club members and friends met at the Clubrooms at 10 am on Sunday 17th March 2024 for an informal outing to display their vehicles at the Lower Murray Vintage and Machinery Club’s Heritage Rally and Tractor Pull, held at the Murray Bridge Showgrounds.
11 vehicles, both vintage and classic, travelled through the main street across the bridge and arrived at the showgrounds where members positioned their vehicles in a long line down the centre of the main oval, providing a significant area of interest for the large crowd attending, where anything from an earlier era was a major drawcard to such an event.
The main feature of the day was the Tractor Pull which had everyone on the edge of their seats as vintage or modified tractors tested their strength and skills by pulling a drag or sled along, with the winner being the tractor that managed to pull the sled the furthermost.
The members attending enjoyed wandering around the food stalls, market tents, and farm machinery displays, as well as viewing a variety of stationary engines, vintage machinery, early dairying equipment, and working stationary engines all wonderful examples of how times were in the past era.
Everyone then returned home at their leisure.