Ladies Day Run
The Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge (ACCMB) annual ‘Ladies Day’ outing for 2017 was one of a difference.
As 46 members and guests assembled at their clubrooms to receive last minute details from run organizers and Club Life Members, Brenda and Les Cowie, the heavens opened up with a very heavy shower of rain on the group’s departure.
The final venue for the days outing was ‘Kondoparinga Homestead’ Ashbourne.
With all 24 vehicles, consisting of classic and modern, left Murray Bridge and travelled to ‘Frank Potts Reserve’ at Langhorne Creek for morning tea.
On arrival it was somewhat difficult for members to find an outdoor table to set up on, as recent rain had made the area somewhat wet under foot, however they made do.
Morning tea over, it was off again via Strathalbyn, up through the rolling country side with lush green paddocks full of newly shorn sheep and black grazing cattle, through the tiny hamlet of Ashbourne before arriving at ‘Kondoparinga’ for midday lunch.
On arrival the ACCMB members and guests were greeted by the owner Sandra and her family, who ushered all into the very interesting dining room for lunch with its photo filled walls of sidesaddle horses and their riders
With all seated, a delicious 2 course roast meal and desert was served before host Sandra gave a very informative and enlightening talk on the history of ‘Kondoparinga Homestead’ (meaning brown crawling things in a meandering river)
Kondoparinga cottage was built in 1850 on 2,000 acres of land and was owned by a Mr. Kotz. After his death, Mrs. Kotz started making “moonshine” until her passing.
In 1890 the 27 room cottage was purchased by the late Frank Rymill and remained in the family until 11 ½ years ago when host Sandra purchased the property and began restoring it to what it is today.
Kondoparinga Homestead boasts the 2nd largest ‘sidesaddle’ collection in the world, along with a breathtaking display of beautiful antique furniture, tapestries, antique horse riding clothing and even a huge Californian king size bed.
At the conclusion of the day, ACCMB President Claude Minge thanked Ladies Day run organizers, Brenda and Les Cowie, host Sandra, her daughter and staff, along with guests Merle and Colin Rawlins, Cassie Medwin from Burnie in Tasmania, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Chapman along with 2017 Twin Bridges Rally sponsors, Joy Ayres and daughter Tiffany who represented Australia Wide Assist and the Motoring 24/7 organization.
Members of the ACCMB applauded in the usual manner.
A visit to this wonderful old historic homestead and surroundings can be organized by visiting the Kondoparinga website for all details.
Report: Graham Edwards
Photos: Graham Edwards and Rhonda Scarman

Morning tea at Frank Potts Reserve at Langhorne Creek

Kevin Hosgood deep in conversation with Maureen Edwards and Helen Hosgood

ACCMB members arriving at Kondoparinga Homestead

Jill and Leon Matschoss enjoying the company of fellow ACCMB members while waiting for lunch to be served.

Guest Cassie Medwin (left) from Burnie Tasmania with ACCMB members Dennis Scarman and Rhonda Scarman