Neutrog Run
By Graham Edwards
Making “Fertilizer While the Sun Shines” was the Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge (ACCMB) theme for their latest run while COVID restrictions have been somewhat relaxed in South Australia.
October 7th in warm spring weather, 23 ACCMB members in their 13 classic / modern vehicles, as usual assembled at their clubhouse for the usual sign in, and the distribution of details to participants by Neutrog run coordinators – Graham & Maureen Edwards.
Last minute changes, back to the original route was brought about by a couple of apologies and a no show member, but that’s life in today’s COVID world.
The convoy departed the clubhouse right on 9am, heading along Thomas St, Cypress Tce, left onto Rocky Gully Rd, before continuing onto Monarto Rd , before the group took a short stop off to view the new Monarto Safari Park (MSP) visitors entrance and the new Visitors buildings and parking currently under construction. This was all viewed by members on top of the pipeline earth ramp, a very convenient place to view the operations from. Many ACCMB members had no idea that the entrance to the MSP would soon be changed from the Old Princess Highway, to avoid massive congestion on busy weekends, to a much safer Monarto Road entrance.
Following the viewing and information of the new site by run organizer Graham, it was off to the Neutrog factory at Mine Rd, Kanmantoo, where ACCMB members were met and welcomed by Neutrog’s Marketing & Communications Coordinator, Ms Megan Lannan.
With all vehicles parked for viewing, members checked into COVID and were ushered into Neutrogs board room, where their BYO morning tea was had. Ms Lannan introduced then the speaker, Customer Relations Manager Mr. Paul Dipuglia who delivered a most informative talk on the vast selection of garden products produced onsite, those included names such as Bush Tucker, Dead Horse, Litter Bugs, Rapid Raiser and Who Flung Dung, just to name a few, all available from selected stores nationally.
Neutrog was formed in 1988 and is situated on 20 acres and employs over 50 people at Kanmantoo, and would employ more if they could. (“This seems to be the employment problem right throughout “whatever industry” you wish to look at in Australia. Too much money being handed out by the Governments to people who could really work. So why would you want to work”)
Neutrogs name was born from the combination of “Nutrients & Organics” to accurately the true nature of products manufactured.
Neutrog supplies some of the most magnificent gardens and grounds in Australia and around the world, and are currently exporting large quantities from Australia to places like Vietnam, Singapore, Korea and Taiwan.
At the conclusion of Mr. Dipuglia’s deliverance, ACCMB daily run organizer Graham, presented tokens of appreciation to Ms Lannan, Mr. Dipuglia and Managing Director, Mr. Angus Irwin, while ACCMB members showed their appreciation with acclamation for their visit.
Then it was onto the Rufas coach driven by Gavin, to give ACCMB members a guided tour of the facility, with mind boggling statistics and explanations by tour guide, Managing Director Angas Irwin, with members being amazed at the row upon row of all sorts of “S..t”, destined to be reproduced into high quality fertilizer.
On return to the factory, members were given a “sneak peek” of the laboratory, before heading off to the newly renovated Callington Oval Bistro for lunch.
On arrival. Chef Tricia welcomed members to the bistro, and after a delicious lunch, ACCMB President Claude Minge thanked run organizers, Graham and Maureen Edwards for another great outing. Graham responded also thanking Bistro Chef and Staff for a great lunch.
It has been outings over the past almost 50 years of the ACCMB life, that has cemented this great club of diverse Vintage and Classic vehicles, not to mention those many members who have contributed to its success. The 50th Golden Anniversary weekend will be held on the 26th – 27th March, 2022. For up to date information, visit the club website by clicking onto the 50th Golden Anniversary tag, or read all about it in the Auto Torque magazine also on the website.
Report and photos by Graham Edwards