TBR 2019

THE Rural City of Murray Bridge (RCMB) and the Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge (ACCMB) played host to the ACCMB 8th Biennial Twin Bridges Rally (TBR) from 18th – 20th October,
Visitors from Victoria and many parts of South Australia including the Murraylands, were welcomed through the “Historic Bridge span” gate to the Johnstone Park Community Complex (JPCC) with the TBR sponsors advertising 1926 Chevrolet truck owned by members, Eric & Pam Wehrman, on display, welcoming visitors to the registration centre.
TBR participants arrived, vehicle by vehicle at the JPCC to register and collect their TBR bags, directions and details for the weekend’s activities, along with the renewal of old acquaintances, a chat and greetings over afternoon tea.
At 6pm on Friday 18th, saw TBR joint coordinator and MC for the weekend, Graham Edwards open proceedings, while the official Presidents welcome was duly performed by ACCMB President , Claude Minge.
This was followed by an outline of the weekend’s activities by the TBR joint coordinators, Elaine and Roy Bretag, Ricky and Neil Kaak along with Maureen Edwards.
During the evening, mornay and casserole meal served by the ACCMB ladies, activities took place, consisting of “Heads and Tails” competition, minor raffle draws, humorous jokes and an item straight from “Murray Bridge has got Talent” show, presented by ACCMB Life Members, Tom & Lyn West.
Tom commenced singing and playing his trusty guitar, with a two song bracket entitled – “This Old Car” & “Shine a Light on Me”, while wife Lyn gave her rendition of “Old McDonald” all being sung with their own words about cars and ACCMB members.
Saturday 19th was an early start to the day at 8am, with all 53 veteran, vintage, classic and modern vehicles assembled at the riverfront Wharf car park for the official welcome to the Rural City of Murray Bridge (RCMB) by Mayor Brenton Lewis, trusting that their stay would be memorable and one of enjoyment. This was followed by his judging of the ”Dignitaries Choice” of the best vehicle on show.
With the official duties performed it was time for His Worship the Mayor Brenton Lewis to flag off the first vehicle, this being a 1913 Renault CB, driven by owner David Laubsch from Veteran Car Club of South Australia.
The first leg of the days run by the remaining cars was off to to Callington via Mulgundawah, Langhorne Creek and Woodchester before arriving at the Callington hall for morning teas, served by the Callington Hall ladies.
Prior to moving onto the next leg of the outing, TBR joint coordinator, Elaine Bretag thanked the Callington ladies for their scrumptious morning tea and their country hospitality.
Vehicles then began moving off for the short drive to the newly named Monarto Safari Park, where all vehicles were parked in their individual categories for judging by independent judges from the Murray Mallee, Monaro and Jaguar Drivers Clubs respectfully and for public viewing by patrons who were visiting the Safari Park.
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Lunch was served under the big top marquee, along with a welcome to the Safari Park by Duty Manager – Mr. Peter Best, who outlined the attractions that were available to see.
Following lunch, TBR registered participants had the afternoon to ride the “Hop on Hop off” Zoo Loop coaches and enjoy the many sights and sounds of the Safari Park, and for many it being their first time experience.
With all 53 vehicles judged, it was back to Murray Bridge to have a “Nana Nap” or just get dressed up for the evenings proceedings held at the Murray Bridge Golf Club’s (MBGC) “Fairways Bistro”.
MC, Graham Edwards welcomed 98 rally goers to the MBGC, presented another round of jokes for the occasion, the weekends major raffle draws, along with another “Heads and Tails” competition.
The theme for the evening was “Fur or Feathers-Spots or Stripes”, and after a parade of participants in weird and wonderful creations, MBGC Manager, Mark Turner judged the best dressed, and the winners were, Ladies – Jan Hall, dressed as a Leopard (spots) and Men – Michael Nelson dressed as a Convict (stripes) complete with ball and chains.
On conclusion of the evening, MC Graham thanked the MBGC Management and Staff for a wonderfully prepared and served evening meal, before all participants departed, calling it a night.
Sunday 20th with weather almost perfect for the occasion, all TBR participants were briefed by TBR run Coordinator Roy Bretag and given directions for the mornings run to Aussie Apricots and Museum (AA&M) Mypolonga.
On arrival at AA&M, TBR participants were greeted by hosts Kathy and Paul Prosser, while the Murray Bridge Lions Club (MBLC) served a morning tea of “pancakes , jam and cream to the multitude, before TBR participants enjoyed “free samples” of produce before being addressed by the Prosser’s, who enlightened all present about AA&M operations, before viewing their new venture, REVOLUTION Motor Museum, a must see for any car enthusiast. This was followed by assistant run coordinator for the day, Elaine Bretag, thanking the Prosser’s and the MBLC for the mornings activities.
Then it was back to the JPCC, with all cars lined up for members of the public to view over the next couple of hours. Members of the Mobilong Rotary Club (MRC) catering team, provided a BBQ lunch, with meat and salads served to perfection by volunteers from the ACCMB members. This was followed by hot donuts for desert, all cooked from the MRC individual catering trailers.
Following lunch, Trophy presentations for the weekend took place for all the category winners by TBR joint Coordinators, Roy Bretag, Neil Kaak, RCMB Deputy Mayor, Fred Toogood along with some of the weekends sponsors present, these being Jan Hall, Sharon & Warren Pratt.
Trophy Donors, Winners and vehicles are as follows..
Shannons Insurance — Best Overall Vehicle – Winner – Alan & Marlene Hagger — 1929 Graham Paige 615 Roadster. ACCMB
Rural City of Murray Bridge — Dignitaries Choice – Winner – Claude & Elizabeth Minge — 1929 Studebaker President. ACCMB
Autopro Murray Bridge — Ladies Choice – Winners — (4 way tie ) Dean & Judith Evans — 1949 Rover P3/75. Riverland Vintage & Classic Car Club of S.A.
Neil & Ricky Kaak — 1946 Packard Clipper. ACCMB
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Brenda Cowie – 1962 Chrysler Valiant “S” Series. ACCMB
Trevor Wehrman – 1925 Chevrolet light delivery van. ACCMB
Beaurepaires – Murray Bridge — Best Commercial vehicle – Winner – John & Carol Ali –1962 International AB110 ute. ACCMB
Meguiar’s Car Care Products — Best Modified – Winner – Graham & Maureen Edwards — 1961 Ford Mk2 Zephyr sedan. ACCMB
Murray Valley Standard — Best up to 1930 – Winner – Alan & Marlene Hagger – 1929 Graham Paige 615 Roadster. ACCMB
Australia Wide Assist/Motoring 24/7 — Best 1931-1950 – Winner – Trevor & Lorraine Beythien – 1936 Chrysler C7 sedan. Chrysler Restorers Club of S.A.
Graham Edwards Crash Repairs / Pratt Towing— Best 1951-1960 – Winner — Ron & Leta Kohler – 1952 Austin A40 Somerset sedan. Riverland Vintage & Classic Car Club of S.A.
Bridge Batteries & Solar – Best 1961-1970 – Winner – Lindsay & Marlene Gibb – 1963 Chrysler Valiant “S” series. Chrysler Restorers Club of S.A.
Penrite Oils – Best 1971-1989 – Winner – Terry & June Mabbitt – 1974 XB Ford Fairmont sedan. ACCMB
Bridge Auto Spark – Best 1990 on – Winner – Peter Smith – 1990 BMW E30 – 320i. Good Old Boys Car & Bike Club of Edenhope. Vic
The ”Hard Luck” story of the weekend went to visitor from the Strathalbyn Auto Collectors Club, Roy Shelton driving a 1956 Daimler Sedan on Friday 18th. Local ACCMB member Alan Hagger complete with his older vehicle “skills”, saved the weekend by performing surgery to the Daimlers ignition system in the front yard of another ACCMB member in Standen Street.
On completion of presentations, MC and Joint Coordinator for the TBR Graham Edwards, on behalf of the coordinating committee, “thanked all who were involved in staging the 8th Biennial TBR, all visitors and locals who attended and visited the RCMB for the event, all the Sponsors – major & minor, volunteers, both local and from other clubs, in fact anyone who’s names are too numerous to mention, that played any part in making the weekend such a Rip Roaring success”.
Then to close the 8th Biennial TBR, ACCMB President Claude Minge, congratulated all winners throughout the weekend.
President Claude Minge then called upon Coordinators, Graham & Maureen Edwards, Roy & Elaine Bretag, Neil & Ricky Kaak to come forward and receive a gift for all the hard work that they had contributed to the organizing and running of the TBR over the past 6 years. A loud applause by all present showed their appreciation. He then wished all participants a safe journey home and hoped to see them all again at the 9th Biennial TBR in 2021.